To add a text element, such as a title, description or explanation, you'll need to start at the Survey Edit page.

  1. There are two options.  You can either click on the "+" button in the middle of the screen and then choose "Text" or you can click and drag the "Text" button from the left side of the screen to where you want it to be on the right side.  Either method opens the Add Text screen. 
  2. Enter your text in the text box. 
  3. You now have several text options to choose from: 
    1. Formatting style (normal, quote, code, different headers) 
    2. Bold
    3. Italics
    4. Remove Font Style
    5. Font Type
    6. Font Color
    7. Alignment
    8. Bullet List
    9. Numbered List
    10. Horizontal Line
    11. Code View
    12. Undo
    13. Redo
    14. Table
    15. Link
    16. Image
    17. Video 
  4. Click "Add" on the bottom right to save your text element. The survey page is now refreshed and the text element you just entered is displayed.